Wreck-It Ralph Wiki

The Magic Hammer is said by Ralph to have been given to Felix by his father, Fix-It-Felix Sr. The hammer has incredible regenerative properties and restores whatever it hits into its original state, or at least strengthens it. Felix is even able to instantly heal the bruises on his face when he is smacked repeatedly with this hammer by Sergeant Calhoun. It can also convert a live Cy-Bug into its embryo form.

Unfortunately for him, this can be used against him, as the hammer lacks destructive properties. When he tries to smash the grates in the Fungeon, they are strengthened.

Role in the film

In the film, the hammer is used several times. When Ralph game-jumps into Hero's Duty to win a medal, his game Fix-It Felix, Jr. is put out of order and is scheduled to be unplugged in the morning, resulting in the characters of the game being homeless. Felix journeys off to find Ralph, teaming up with Sergeant Calhoun to do so as a Cy-Bug has unintentionally gone with Ralph to a game called Sugar Rush. In Sugar Rush, Felix and Calhoun fall into Nesquik Sand and begin to sink rapidly. Felix begins to panic, but then Calhoun punches him to snap him out of it, causing the Laffy Taffy vines above them to laugh and lower as they do so. To keep them extending, Calhoun repeatedly punches Felix, who undoes her damage with his hammer. To find Ralph quicker, Felix uses the hammer to repair a shuttle that Ralph has crash-landed. When Felix is sent to the "Fungeon", he attempts to use his hammer to break the bars, but it strengthens them instead, much to his despair, only for Ralph to save him moments later.

Later on, Ralph befriends a glitch named Vanellope who must cross the game's finish line in an official race to become an actual character. When Ralph comes to Felix's rescue in the Fungeon and begs Felix to fix Vanellope's kart that Ralph has destroyed earlier, Felix repairs the kart so that Vanellope can participate in the Random Roster Race. After Ralph defeats the rampaging Cy-bugs, Felix restores the finish line for Sugar Rush to properly reset. After returning to Niceland, Felix uses it to construct a village for the homeless video game characters and would continue using it against Ralph's destructive antics.


  • Like much of Fix-It Felix, Jr.'s gameplay, the hammer's properties may have been based on hammer power-ups from a couple of early Mario games: Felix reaches to collect the hammer floating in mid-air as in Donkey Kong, and Wrecking Crew contains a secret power-up known as the Golden Hammer or Magic Hammer.